Thursday, September 8, 2011

Realism V.S. Fantasy in Media

The chapter "Women Read the Romance" in the Mass Media class book expresses certain women's views on reading romance novels. It was described as an "escape from reality" or "escape from the daily life as a house-wife", something along those lines. In terms of your lifestyle, i believe theres a variation in your interest in any form of media, including literature, television, movies, etc. The genre of Romance usually has a fairy tale  "fantasy" ending between a man and a women. It makes sense that women with relationship problems may prefer to watch this. However, I find all of this interesting in terms of how genres are viewed. Fantasy can help your mind escape from reality, but why is escape always necessar? I find it just as rational to use realistic media as a mental release from the pains of life. Recognizing what the world is really like can help you appreciate your own, and also create a tougher mentality within yourself. I personally enjoy media that revolves around real life scenarios. I find that the acting, singing, writing, etc, is way more interesting and talented. Nonetheless, it seems that fantasy books and movies almost inevitably sell out through all ages of people.

Heres a video clip and link to the movie "Heat" (1995). I wanted to use this as an example because the suspense of this scene and the way it was shot is far from "Fantasy" and more of a reflection of real life. Notice there is no music in the entire scene:

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