Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Has Television Become to Suggestive for Children?

As ive grown from a child to an adult, there has arguably been a dramatic change in the themes and content of television shows, including childrens shows. Shows such as "Spongebob Squarepants" or "Scooby-Doo", are primarily for elementary school aged kids, but can be enjoyed by all audiences. The dialogue resembles such of an adult, with strong references and cliché's to grown-up concerns and interests. The concepts and morals of these episodes are no longer elementary, but "adult" like and less educational. The only thing missing is curse words, but i woudn't be surprised if cursing in children's shows is allowed one day. I'm more concerned about how this may change society, and if censorship and limits of Media will ultimately be non-existing in time. People already are negatively influenced by the media as it is. As i explained in a past blog (Blog Post #2), violence and mature content tend to be more appealing to the general audience. Shows like "Spongebob Squarepants" can be used to attract not just an immature audience, but adults as well and still be considered as a children's show. The word "suggestive" best explains the silent manner of promoting mature content through these types of shows, with little concern of whether or not kids are smart enough to pick it up and adapt to it. However, the sad thruth of the matter is that kids are easily influenced, especially to what seems "right" or ok to replicate. Kids try to grow up faster or use language that is to "fast" for their age, which is mainly the result of the loose content the media promotes.


  1. I personally loved Spongebob as a child and still do. As I watch this show today, I see the adult humor they use in it that I didn't see when I was younger. I think that the creators are going a little overboard with the adult humor in these kid shows. As I grow older, I see kids younger then me maturing way faster then they used to. Because they grow more mature quicker, they understand adult humor and suggestive things that are shown in these shows like Spongebob and they will use it in context. But on a brighter note, I loved this post.

  2. I loved Spongebob as a kid! I was watching an episode with my friends son the other day, and I did notice how much more adult humor is in it nowadays! It is my belief that the media puts way to much pressure on kids to grow up too fast. Whatever happened to the time when kids could enjoy being kids?
