Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Dirtier Side of Porn: What Do These Girls Go Through??

On June 11, 2010, a 19 year old porn star named Ami Jordan was reported dead in her sleep. The reports for the first couple weeks were unclear onto the cause of her death. However, the "Type 9 Models" owner Kevin Kline answers in an interview that she "may have had a problem with pills, in which she came to me to help her". Looking to a Porn owner for help about drugs and obviously emotional issues isn't exatcly the best method. The fact that she had to ask him rather than anyone related or close to her is odd itself. What drove her to possibly overdose on pills? Is being a Porn Star more than what it appears to be? The audience is greatly tricked by porn and how women appear to be having the time of their lives. However, this is all part of show business. The constant degration and offensive content of porn is more than enough to depress even the people watching it. It's almost like these women "sell their souls" to porn for the money and attention lacked in their normal lives. If this is the case, the porn adds another controversial outlook on its morality and emotional harm to women. There is a choice to becoming a porn star, just like there is a choice in watching it. In comparison, which is more of the issue? Of course it takes the consumption and viewing of porn for the industry to grow. The viewing is also a negative affect to porn. If the fear of being viewed as a "slut" or "whore" is enough for someone to commit suicide, wouldn't women with potential interests in becoming a porn star be turned off by such news? If less women enter the porn industry, less money will circulate. As big as the porn industry is, the owners most likely will try to avoid this. This brings us back to the Ami Jordan's death. If Kevin Kline had done anything to help her, there would be a better chance of her being alive today. How low can the porn industry be by allowing their stars to take drugs, when reasons could be based upon their enhanced preformances on them. If the industry is this dirty, maybe more of the viewing should be on the owners rather than the "actors".


  1. The problem here is that Kline didn't do anything to really stop her. I think that is completely wrong. In some part he should be held accountable, he knew about the drug problem and did nothing and now a 19 year old girl is dead from it. In movies out of the Hollywood all the A list actors and actresses would have tons of articles and tabloids written about them if they were falling victim to drugs. However, since this is "just" a porn star no one seems to care about her not even the owner. You have to think she is being paid minimal to what the movies are actually making on the market. So the owner is probably sitting there thinking he can just find another beautiful girl low on money and throw her in to replace Ami Jordan. I think issues like these need to be talked about more before more deaths go unnoticed. Her death didn't break any headlines around here. Hopefully more awareness can be brought to the porn industry about what these girls go through and that it's not all fun and games before it gets out of control.

  2. While reading this the first person I thought of was one of Hugh Hefner's former girlfriends, Kendra Wilkinson. Kendra recently had a child and was depressed because of her body after giving birth and was very determined to get it back. Thankfully Kendra wasn't so depressed that she had to take drugs and lost her life to that but she did suffer. Sex symbols such as Kendra and porn stars such as Ami are under a lot of pressure from the public and from the people they work for. Kendra is just another example of how porn or being in the porn industry can effect your life in a negative way. Below is a link with Kendra talking about PPD(Postpartum depression) and how it affected her.

  3. You people are so quick to blame the porn industry... Ever consider that the girl was messed up to begin with? Think about it... What events must transpire to make someone do porn??? That's where the real answer lies.

  4. free sex without condom is really dangerous,,,
