Friday, December 2, 2011

Money Makes It Easy: Ignorance Sells

If money isn't the root of all "evil" like the popular phrase implies, let's leave what ever is a mystery. Today people get their kicks off the laziest and most unproffessional ethics of entertainment and media if you ask me. Music will be my prime example in this blog.

The music industry has almost trashed all standards and good criteria a musical artist needs to make it big. They have found out that raunchy lyrics and a suggestive appeal of these artists tends to relate and attract the audience of the real world. I've stated before in previous blogs that sex, drugs, violence, etc, is basicly running this world in terms of media. If creating a song, or even album revolved around promoting all of these things is all it takes to make millions, why not do it? It seems to be all about easy listening and relating to the general population, which includes a lot of crime and poverty ridden areas. In doing this, being poor or in a "struggle" with life is created as "cool" and interesting.

Let's be real, a song thats main chorus is "Super-Man dat Hoe" has little to no positive stimulation to our society and our children who grow up lisening to it. However, people buy it up. This has a lot to say about our world and not just the people putting this poisonous trend of ignorance into it. How did we get so accepting to lazyness? Can it even be traced back to anything or anyone? My guess is inflation, or the growing value of money. Our economy bounces up and down all the time, as does the employment rate. People are running out of ways to make money and especially creativity. However, it seems fathomable to be able to target those that do have money and are willing to spend it.

Kids and teenagers are some of the biggest consumers, and also the most interested in the music world. Their adolescent minds are easily targeted. As much money that flows into the music industry, it seems like a pretty good decision and career feild. A current rap artist "Waka Flocka Flame" even admits to the media that "I know I ain't the best at rapping, I just do it for the money like most rappers are starting to do". What will our world turn into if money contiues to draw us away from our moral values of positivity like this? Could we even consider ourselves anymore human than money itself?


  1. People will do anything for money and that will and has never changed in society yet. I am a fan of rap and I do agree that alot of their new music these days are very unmorel and degrading to many groups of people, but if people are buying it, then it wont stop. The music will just get worse. What ever happened to the honest rappers who rapped about things going on in poverity and the world. For example, public enemy was one of the first main stream rap groups that made honest money from their music. For the most part in their early years, public enemy only rapped about poverty and main events that were happening in the world that effected the poor and the different ethnic groups. They didnt ever really degrade women or main focus of a song was sex and drugs being a possitive thing, or at least in early years. If people do not stand up and make things right, then it will only get worse and our kids are going to grow up with these negitive views of how things should be in society because of the influence they are getting from this degrading money making music industry of rap. But I will say this, If it is profitable and popular, why would anyone want to put an end to their money making just because a few people complain? Honestly, I feel if people do not like it then they should turn it off or not let their kids listen to it. Now I am not saying what these rappers are saying in their music is wrong, but I do feel that people must not care because their are billons of people who still are fans and not plaining to leave rap any time soon.

  2. Money makes the word go round! If there is money to be made, people will find a way to make a profit. Just because people do not like a certain type a certain type of message a song is talking about doesn't mean they have to listen to it. If you have an issue, turn it off.

  3. When it comes to music there maybe a lot of rappers and singers but for me less than half of those actually have real talent and it doesn't help that you are rapping and hip hopping about women and demeaning them in the way the rap and hip hop world is. They get famous that way though because they are told by their managers that sex sells all over and so if they rap about sex they will be more successful. Is there any way to rap about sex without being demeaning? I have heard that people are trying to get rappers to stop rapping about sex so much but so far they have hardly put a dent into that mission.
